Hi there! I am so glad you have taken a minute to learn a little bit more about me. I am Ally, just a New Mexican girl living in a Wisconsin world (feel free to read that again while singing Journey in your head) ;) We have been living in the Appleton area for 3.5+ years now, and we just love it!! 
That being said, I am a photographer in Northeast Wisconsin. I specialize in capturing genuine moments with family, children, senior portraits, and pets. I also photograph real estate, and am a former associate broker in Las Cruces, New Mexico. 
I am married to a super cool dude named Eric, and we have two spunky daughters who love to keep us on our toes. We also have a sassy barn cat named Daisy Mae and a Frenchie bulldog named Oswald Cobblepot whom we affectionately call pig-dog, or Ozzy.
Photography has been a passion of mine for quite a while, but I have been officially operating Ally Frantz Photography, LLC for a couple of years now. I also have a degree in Hotel, Restaurant and Tourism Management from New Mexico State University (Go Aggies!) and minors in Marketing and Business Administration. 
I would love to learn a little more about you, so feel free to click on the contact button above and send a note my way. And again, thanks so very much for stopping by! 

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